5 Tips to Prevent Mobility Issues as you Age

Four elderly people sitting on a workout bench holding small red weights in each hand

For seniors, managing mobility problems is an especially important issue. Mobility issues arise when older adults experience difficulty with tasks that involve moving from one place to another, such as walking, climbing stairs, and using public transport.

Having limited mobility can take away a person's independence and participation in daily activities, which needs to be addressed promptly. An early assessment from your GP of mobility-related risks allows you to live with greater security and freedom.

Having mobility issues is an experience thousands of older Australians face daily, with falling being one of the most common and potentially dangerous outcomes. Unfortunately, falls can lead to more serious injuries, such as broken bones and even death.

That's why it's essential to take a proactive attitude toward improving mobility today. We look at 5 tips to avoid mobility issues to keep you in your own home, independent for longer.

1. Stay Active

As a senior, one of the best ways to keep yourself healthy and mobile is to stay active. This can come from regular exercise like swimming, cycling, or walking. Physical activity and muscle-strengthening exercises help to build strength and maintain joint flexibility, allowing you to avoid or reduce common mobility issues like pain or stiffness.

Physical activities will provide you with physical benefits, but they can also bring mental health benefits that come with taking care of your body and improving your overall quality of life. Staying active is key to enjoying your senior years, so get up and move.

2. Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight as we age is vital for managing our mobility and flexibility, as nutrient-rich foods help sustain muscle mass and joint flexibility. Adopting a healthy diet is paramount for maintaining muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness, balance and coordination - all crucial to safe mobility.

Eating healthily may also help with arthritis and joint pain, as research has demonstrated that storing excess weight puts stress on your joints and increases your risk of developing osteoarthritis. Making sure you fuel your body with essential vitamins and minerals will ensure that you have enough energy for exercise, cushioning your joints from falls and making it more enjoyable to participate in the physical activities you love.

3. Wear Comfortable Shoes

Studies show seniors can reduce the strain on their feet and ankles by wearing comfortable, supportive, well-fitting shoes. Correctly sized shoes can contribute to increased and improved mobility, which can help prevent serious complications that are associated with aging and improve the overall quality of life in elderly populations.

Investing in a good pair of shoes is essential to maintaining healthy feet, preventing falls, and improving balance. With footwear designed to provide this extra support, seniors can be more confident as they move through everyday activities. 

4. Keep on Top of Hearing and Vision Tests

As we age, our senses tend to become weaker – making it ever so important to stay on top of hearing and vision tests to maintain a good level of physical mobility.

Seeking support from qualified professionals can be an excellent step towards preserving both the quality and clarity of your senses, which can make all the difference in maintaining an active lifestyle as you age.

5. Maintain your Balance and Coordination

Maintaining balance and coordination can help protect your mobility as you age. Whether it's low-impact exercises, such as yoga or tai chi, or more vigorous activities, like running and weight training—finding something that works for you is key in aging well.

Strength training has been linked to improved physical function and increased muscle mass, which can help promote agility and balance throughout your lifetime. Start gradually and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts over time to improve your balance and coordination and remain physically active as you age. As always, speak with a healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns about starting an exercise regimen to maintain balance and coordination.


Commit to your physical health to avoid issues as you age

It is never too late to start taking care of your body and improving flexibility. Mobility issues are very common as you age, but by following tips like staying active and sticking to a healthy diet, you can offset the effects of aging and improve your overall health and well-being.

Regular stretching and yoga can also help to maintain mobility. Seeing a physical therapist may give you guidance or insight on incorporating these tips into your daily lifestyle. No matter what stage of life you are in, maintaining an active lifestyle helps keep your body's natural strength and flexibility intact. Taking steps now will ensure your mobility remains healthy throughout aging.



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