The Essential Questions to Ask Before Choosing your SIL

A carer and a man making muffins together in the kitchen of a supported independent living home.

Supported independent living (SIL) emphasises independent living and community integration for people with disabilities.

SIL services are individualised and typically include assistance with activities of daily living, such as:

  • Personal care

  • Meal preparation

  • Transportation

SIL providers also offer support in advocacy, peer support, and community involvement.

The goals of SIL are to promote independence, self-determination, and community inclusion for people with disabilities. Many people who live in SIL homes can pursue work, education, and other community involvement opportunities.

Supported independent living can be an excellent alternative for people with disabilities who want to live as independently as possible.

Therefore, deciding to move into a supported independent living home (SIL) for you or a loved one can be a difficult decision. It's essential to ask the different providers you are reviewing the right questions to make the best decision for you and your family.

This blog post will discuss some of the most important questions to ask before committing.

What 5 key questions should I ask before choosing my SIL?

Before you choose your Supported Independent Living (SIL) provider, it's important to ask some key questions. This will help you make sure that the provider is a good fit for your individual needs and that they can provide the level of support you require.

Here are some key questions to ask:

1. What services does the provider offer?

Make sure the provider offers the specific services you need to live independently. Do they have experience supporting people with my specific needs?

2. What is the provider's staff-to-client ratio?

This is important to know to ensure you receive the individualised attention you need.

3. What are the provider's policies on medication administration and other medical needs?

It is important to ensure that the provider will meet your medical needs.

4. What is the provider's policy on visitors?

If you have family or friends who visit often, you'll want to ensure that they are welcome at your SIL home.

5. What is the cost of services?

Make sure you understand all the costs associated with living at the SIL home and what is included before making a decision.

What questions should I ask about my potential housemates for SIL?

When you move into a supported independent living home, it's important to ask questions about your potential housemates. This will help ensure a smooth transition and a good fit for everyone involved.

After all, you'll be sharing a living space with these people, so it's essential to ensure you're compatible.

Some things you might want to ask about can include:

  • Daily routines

  • What are their interests?

  • How do they like to spend their free time?

  • What are their work schedules like?

  • Would there be group activities?

  • What are meal times like? Do the housemates eat and cook together, or is this done independently?

By asking these questions up front, you can avoid any potential conflict down the road. And that will make for a much happier and more harmonious living situation for everyone involved.

What questions should I ask about my potential SIL home?

When considering moving to your new SIL home, it is important to ask questions and investigate the property thoroughly to ensure it is the right fit for you.

Some key questions to consider can include:

  • Does the home (including common areas and your bedroom) provide suitable safety measures for your needs? You want to ensure you can move about the home safely and freely.

  • How many bedrooms does it have? How many bathrooms? What are the common zones?

  • Can I bring my own furniture or is the furniture supplied?

  • What essentials do I need to bring with me?

  • How are emergency situations handled?

  • Does the home have an outdoor space? If so, what is in the outdoor space? Do I have a say in what can be in the outdoor space (for example, furniture, veggie garden, animals?)

  • Who will be responsible for maintaining an outdoor space (front and back yard), for example, lawn care and flowers?

  • Is the home located near amenities such as the supermarket, chemist, doctor, public transport and entertainment?

Ensure your needs are met with Supported Independent Living

Choosing a supported independent living home is an important decision.

Asking these essential questions will help you get a better sense of what to expect from your SIL provider and whether they will be able to meet your needs.

Caspian Care is committed to helping you find the right home for your needs.

We will work with you to understand your unique situation and match you with a home that meets your specific needs.

We understand that this can be a complex and emotional process, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you make the best decision for your future.


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