Unlock the Benefits of Cold Water Therapy

Standing under a cold shower is enough to give anyone the shivers.

But did you know that giving your body a blast of cold water has been shown to have an abundance of health benefits?

What is cold water therapy?

Immersing yourself in cold water has been around for hundreds of years and is said to encourage the body’s natural healing process.  Cold water therapy can also help relieve symptoms of physical ailments and improve mental health.

Whether it’s a cold shower or enjoying the cold water of the ocean or lake, the long-lasting health benefits can be life-changing.

What are the benefits of cold water therapy?

When practised regularly, cold water therapy can reduce inflammation and pain, improve circulation, boost your mood and build a more robust immune system.

How does cold water reduce inflammation and pain?

Submersion in cold water has been shown to lower the temperature in damaged tissues whilst constricting the blood vessels. Using cold water therapy can help reduce swelling and inflammation to provide natural relief by numbing the nerve endings.

How does cold water boost your mood?

Incorporating daily cold water therapy is an easy addition to your lifestyle that can help boost your mood and manage stress

A blast of cold water activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers beta-endorphin and noradrenaline in the brain.  This activation has a similar effect to anti-depressant medication.

Cold water is also beneficial in reducing the cortisol hormone, which increases when we feel anxious or stressed. 

How does cold water stimulate your immune system?

Your body can become sluggish if your lymphatic system isn’t working efficiently.  This then allows toxins to build up and can result in infections.

Cold water therapy causes your lymph vessels to contract, and flushes waste out of the body. 

A 2016 study discovered that people were 29% less likely to call in sick to work after introducing cold showers to their daily life.

How can cold water improve circulation?

A blast of cold water can be a shock to the system but immersing yourself in water colder than your body temperature improves circulation.  This is because the body has to work harder to maintain its core temperature.   

Improved circulation is beneficial to maintaining good health.  It allows blood and oxygen to flow through the body to keep your brain and heart healthy and your organs functioning.

How can cold water therapy help with arthritis?

Many elderly Australians suffer from arthritis, which can result in chronic pain. Along with your treatment plan provided by your doctor, cold water therapy can provide many benefits.

  • Decreased pain and swelling

  • Reduced muscle spasms

  • Better function in the joints from reduced swelling and pain

  • Cold can stimulate sensory receptors, which block pain in the nerves

Remember to always consult your doctor before starting any cold water therapy.

How to start cold water therapy?

You can ease into cold therapy by turning the temperature of the water down at the end of your daily shower for a short period whilst you adjust.

When you feel that you are managing with the cold water, try alternating the time to increase your cold water time and reduce the warm water.

Wim Hof has highlighted the benefits of cold showers and how it reduces stress, improve alertness and boosts your immune system.

Learn more about his method here.

It is essential to always check with your doctor before starting cold water therapy to discuss if it is a safe option for you.

Is there an alternative to cold showers and baths?

Are you unsure about introducing a cold shower or bath to your daily routine?  Submersing your hands or feet into cold water or simply using a cold pack can have similar benefits.

You can start by submerging your feet or hands into a tub of ice-cold water for approximately 2 minutes.  This will help decrease inflammation and joint pain.

Commencing cold water therapy can be a challenge at first.

However, by easing your body and mind into cold showers, you can promote the natural healing of your body to build a happier, healthier you.


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